Giouli Asimakopoulou, PT, BSc

Physiotherapist Brussels

English & Greek Speaking

Booking appointments online is only available for visits at the
Medical Centre Ambiorix21,
Square Ambiorix 21, 1000 Brussels
To book an appointment in other locations please take contact via phone or email.

Phone: 02 738 78 04
WhatsApp (text only): +32 472 98 39 38

Book an appointment

- In case an appointment is cancelled up to 48 hours before the scheduled time no fee is being charged. You are allowed to proceed with the cancellation online without taking contact with us.- If an appointment is cancelled less than 48 hours before its scheduled time, or in case of a non-show then the cost of the selected service will be charged. To cancel an appointment less than 48 hours before its scheduled time please take contact with us, online cancellation is not possible.

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BSc in Physiotherapy - University of PatrasCertified and registered in Belgium- Certificate of Manual Lymph Drainage Ad Modum Vodder (ZML) -Zentrum fur Manuelle Lymphdrainage (Epimorfosis)
- Certificate of Dry Needling - Institute of Manual and Integrative Therapy, Hoobs Masters - Needling Series
- Certificate of Clinical Pilates (Basic & Advanced Course) - Elizabeth Pulker's concept


Rehabilitation:Musculoskeletal / Neurological / Respiratory / Sports injuriesTechniques:Kinesiotherapy / Lymphatic drainage / Dry Needling / Electrotherapy / Medical massage / Pilates

Seminars - WorkshopsOur Vision: Becoming a Leading Platform for Knowledge Dissemination and Professional Development in the Physiotherapy Field!At Physiotherapy Brussels, our mission extends beyond providing exceptional patient care. We strive to be at the forefront of knowledge dissemination and professional development in the field of physiotherapy.
Our vision is to become a leading platform that empowers physiotherapists, healthcare professionals, and students with the latest research, evidence-based practices, and educational opportunities.
Giouli Asimakopoulou offers seminars and organizes workshops to provide valuable information and training on physiotherapy.Injury Prevention and Performance Enhancement:
This seminar focuses on educating athletes, coaches, and sports professionals on injury prevention strategies, proper training techniques and optimizing athletic performance.
Topics include:
- Warm-up and cool-down routines
- Injury risk factors
- Strength and conditioning exercises
- Sport-specific training protocols.
Ergonomics and Workplace Health:
A very useful seminar on ergonomics, addressing proper workplace setup, workstation ergonomics, and injury prevention techniques related to sedentary jobs. Giouli provides guidance on maintaining good posture, preventing repetitive strain injuries, and implementing ergonomic modifications to reduce workplace-related discomfort.
Back Care and Spinal Health:
This seminar covers common back-related issues, such as low back pain, spinal conditions, and strategies for maintaining a healthy spine. Participants are educated on proper lifting techniques, core stabilization exercises, ergonomic considerations, and self-care strategies to promote spinal health and prevent back problems.
Active Aging and Fall Prevention:
We offer seminars targeted at older adults, caregivers, and healthcare professionals to address the unique challenges of aging and fall prevention. We will provide you with information on exercises to improve strength, balance, and mobility, as well as practical tips for creating a safe living environment and reducing fall risks.
Posture and Body Mechanics:
This seminar focuses on posture awareness, body mechanics, and techniques to improve postural alignment and prevent musculoskeletal issues. Participants are educated on maintaining optimal posture during daily activities, ergonomics, exercises for postural correction, and strategies to reduce postural stress and pain.
Research and Evidence-Based Practice:
We also offer seminars focused on research and evidence-based practice, providing updates on the latest research findings, treatment techniques, and innovations in the field. These seminars aim to enhance clinical knowledge, critical thinking, and application of evidence-based interventions.